Full supporters of wedding detail photographs over here! Gather up all those details a few days before the big day and put them in a box or box or bag. This way when your photographer arrives they are all ready to go and you avoid trying to gather everything the morning of while your trying to get ready. I have seen couples miss out on capturing all of there details because things were misplaced of forgotten. Don’t let this be you!
What things do you need to have ready? That is totally up to you! What details do you want to remember?
All three wedding rings – the bride’s engagement ring and wedding band and the groom’s wedding band. Pro tip: have all of the rings together and then give the wedding bands to the people holding them at the ceremony. This is especially important if the bridal party is getting ready at different locations.
Complete invitation suite, save the date, wedding invitation, envelope, and any other ribbons or materials the suite was mailed in (this is a detail that is often forgotten)
extra blooms or flowers
ring boxes (if you have one, if not I bring plenty!)
accessories such as jewelry, shoes, veil etc.
anything special to you that you want document, family jewelry, handkerchief
What are the purpose of wedding detail photographs? They are the beginning to your wedding story and are the visual start to your day. You put so much time and effort choosing invitations, rings, and accessories lets capture it!
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