I love people and watching them become their best self and capturing that emotion. 

Hi there, I'm Katie


My passion is supporting clients through every stage of life. Whether that be through marriage, new additions, senior year and all the moments in between. 

I'm obsessed with celebrating all people

It's ME!

Just a small town Mid-Missouri girl living her best life. Married my high school sweet heart and together we have one handsome little boy and a hot mess goldendoodle!

When you book with me you have a friend for life. I love building relationships with my clients and I am here to support you through every stage of life. Nothing makes me happier when I see clients buy a home, get engaged, move to college, and the list goes on and on. But the point is I am proud of you!
Photography to me is not just about the picture but capturing the way you feel in that specific moment. I am here for the raw, the real, the tears, the laughs and all the moments in between. I want to capture you as you are! My hope and prayer is when you walk away from your session you feel loved, beautiful, and encouraged.

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself" Coco Chanel
I am just striving to be more me than I have ever been.


Sound of Music


Vanilla Coke




Halzenut cold Brew

Ice Cream

Moose Tracks

TV Shows

Friends & Gilmore Girls

"Brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things"



Let's Do This!

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For tips and updates follow me on Insta @katierobinphoto and @katierobinweddings

 the Gram

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